Calculators are used differently at work, home, and in school. If you work in an office you might need a financial calculator that can print. Or, for the kitchen drawer or your pencil case, you might just need a pocket calculator to crunch some quick numbers. Whether you need specialist models like a Casio calculator or a desktop calculator for quick and easy calculations, we’ve got the range for you.
Our calculators have a range of different functions depending on what you need this handy numerical device for. A desktop calculator is more basic, with simple subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division functions. Working out percentages, inventory, and generally crunching some basic numbers and sums are perfect for a nifty desk calculator here. Whereas a scientific calculator can compute more complex sums and formulae, perfect for maths and science classes at school, university, or in your professional field. On the other hand, a financial calculator has printing functionality, to print out sums and calculations.
Whether you're looking for basic calculators in a range of colours, or more advanced scientific and graphic calculators, you can rely on Ryman®. Our range includes calculators from top brands, like the Casio Scientific, which is exam-board approved for key Stage 3, 4, GCSE, National and Higher exams as well as the Junior Leaving Certificate.
Not quite what you’re looking for? We also stock a huge range of maths equipment, highlighters, revision guides, dictionaries, pencil cases, lunch boxes and bottles and more. Perfect if you’re heading back to school or the office!
Need some additional guidance on what calculator is right for you? We’ve created a helpful calculator guide which details the different types of calculators available and which is best suited to your needs.