Revision cards and books can help you be prepared for your exams and studies, and they’re some of the most effective revision tools you can use for revising. Highlight important information and remind yourself about key points with plenty of space to write, and repeat, and more.
Creating your own revision cards like study flashcards are useful not only for your own personal bitesize facts, but they’re also great for someone else to use to test you on them. This is great before a test, but if you’re preparing for a graded presentation then these flashcards will be great jumping-off points for your slides. Note down the important information, whether you’re committing it to memory for a test or getting the essential points down ready to present your ideas.
There are lots of different tools for revision, including revision cards to help you practice, Post It notes to remind you about important bits of information, highlighters to emphasise key points, and dictionaries to explain complex concepts.Did you know that revising with coloured pens and paper can boost your recall? Time to jazz up your supplies with plenty of coloured pens, paper, highlighters, and everything colourful yet practical from Ryman UK.
Whatever revision stationery you need, be it GCSEs or A-Levels or University, you can rely on Ryman. Our revision range includes revision cards, revision tools, electronic dictionaries, files, folders, and more.
Looking for some revision inspiration? Our blog has some great back to school (or office) ideas. Such as revision stationery essentials and pen buying guides.